Solidworks Drawing on a Plane

How to create a plane in solidworks When speaking to beginner SOLIDWORKS users, I always recommend taking a course like SOLIDWORKS Essentials in gild to go started on the right track with their SOLIDWORKS-using experience. On the topic of planes: the word "plane" is used 337 times in the 2019 edition of the SOLIDWORKS Essentials grade booklet. That's a lot .

In this article, I'll hash out when/why you'd expect to brand new reference planes for your SOLIDWORKS geometry, likewise as several methods of making them. Let's become started.

Before I really brainstorm, there'due south something I should tell you in proficient faith. I honey making infographic-type pieces. Here's one showing an aggregation of different airplane-creation examples, every bit presented and taught in the SOLIDWORKS Essentials course.

Consider printing this out or bookmarking this article in an attainable location!

how to create a plane in solidworks reference planes

And so, equally you can see, at that place are many, many ways to make new reference planes. But why would you wait to practice this? I'll offer some full general communication on the topic hither.

Do I have to create a plane for every sketch?

Nope! You lot don't. In fact, I'd propose confronting this. Sure, you could brand a new plane for every sketch, but yous certainly won't demand to inside SOLIDWORKS.

My communication is simple: look to employ organization-defined planes (Front, Right, Top – available in every function you create) and/or existing model faces as sketch planes whenever possible.

If none of the currently bachelor planes/planar faces work for the operation you're looking to do (sketch a circumvolve, plot a hole, etc.), then sure brand a plane of your own using the methods in the infographic!

Exercise you take an example of when I might need to brand a new aeroplane?

Certain! There are loads of examples, but I'll provide one here. I'll even provide the example part (saved in SOLIDWORKS 2017) that shows this example in do, along with the rest of the examples in my infographic.

Using a very like part to the one pictured in my infographic, we take a circumstance where we must add structural back up towards the middle of the object.

how to make a plane in solidworks structural support

This is a great opportunity to use the Rib feature in SOLIDWORKS, a feature that takes sketch entities, adds thickness around them, and extrudes material based on its profile that fully terminates on the surface(s) parallel to the sketch.

Perfect! The only trouble is that the cloth needs to be offset from the front circular face of the part. If I sketch a line on that face, the extrusion volition start from information technology. This isn't what we want.

While there are other ways to do this, I think the simplest approach in a spot like this is to: 1) make a new reference aeroplane, then 2) add together the sketch at that place.

Get-go, we make a reference plane (by going to Features>Reference Geometry>Reference Plane on the CommandManager ribbon). We tell it to be offset from the circular face – 20mm from information technology, to be exact.

how to create a plane in solidworks model

Then, we make the sketch on this new aeroplane. After making the sketch, we tin use the Rib command (on the CommandManager, select Rib) to extrude a unmarried line and have information technology deed as structural support.

how to create a plane in solidworks rib command

Afterwards that, I added a fillet to round out the support. Finished!


Now, about that instance. Encounter below for a link to download the part!

Click here to download a SOLIDWORKS part that contains 10 examples of how to create a plane in SOLIDWORKS!

Desire more SOLIDWORKS Tips and Tricks? Check out our YouTube channel below.

solidworks tips and tricks

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Near the Writer

Fisher Unitech Sean Oneill Blog ContributorSean O'Neill is a Community & User Advancement Manager at DS SOLIDWORKS. He is a Certified SOLIDWORKS Practiced (CSWE), a SOLIDWORKS World Presenter, and a former SOLIDWORKS VAR Marketing Manager. You can follow him on Twitter: @ServicePackSean .


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